Social Activist Report is a current news info about my social activities and aim to share with you the experiences. Hope by sharing this news we will develop and strengthen our networking towards serving the peoples especially rural and urban poor.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hello friends !
How are you ? This is my learning process to learn how to make blog.
From time to time I will update you about my activity through sending you this blog.

Sincerly yours,

Ismail Abd Aziz
AsiaDHRRA Office


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear sir,
I have just catched informations in this your blog, now , I live in Vietnam, my job is trainer in Agricultural Extension Deparment of CMARD II. My friend is participating in SEARSOLINE, 38 course. Next course, hope i am participate too. Can you help me get more informations about course in SEARSOLINE
Lan Huong
HCMC, Vietnam

7:56 PM


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