Social Activist Report is a current news info about my social activities and aim to share with you the experiences. Hope by sharing this news we will develop and strengthen our networking towards serving the peoples especially rural and urban poor.

Monday, February 06, 2006

My learning target at AsiaDHRRA, Manila

My learning target at AsiaDHRRA Secretariat Office, Manila-1st Feb-28th April 2006.
Feb 1-14
* Overview of AsiaDHRRA's operation.
* Maximizing use of computer in communication.
* Presentation of output.

Feb 15-March 2
* Technical support to AFA GA preparation.

March 6-17
* OJT in Phildhrra.
- Network Management.
- Partnership building focused on collaborative advocacy on mining.

March 20-31
- Exposure in Community-based development project.
* Proposal Development.
* Report preparation.
* Reintegration Planning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

halu! im at bkk airport awaiting flight back home. great ismail! very happy to know you're enjoying your new discoveries. keep it up amd belated happy birthday!


8:21 PM


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