DHRRA Network Malaysia evolved formerly known MasDHRRA that was in operation from 1974-1998, an organization that was successful in bringing together communities driven by the spirit of dialogue and cooperation among rural people. The trust of the DHRRA Network Malaysia is continue towards organizing a strong rural self-reliant community through poverty allevation and people's empowerment initiatives based on the same spirit of dialoge, cooperation and capacity building of human resources.
The DHRRA Network Malaysia, a registered organization in 2001 has been organizing various community-based health, hygiene and educational programmes in the rural areas. Thus since 1999, DHRRA Network Malaysia was reborn with new image to facilitate the process that allows the most vulnerable sectors to be informed about development taking places, determine their options and course of action, and respond collectively. The DHRRA Network Malaysia saw the need to link circles of farmers' group and rural communities through various initiatives at the village levels.
What our concern?
* the apathy of the government towards the promotion and implementation of genuine agrarian and aquatic reform agrarian;
* the limited abd sometimes lack of support from the government for local farmers especially in the areas of credit program and facilities, access to market and marketing support mechanisms, infrastructure such as pre and post harvest facilities and extension services to technology to promote sustainable agriculture;
* the effect of trade liberalization on rural community culture, indigenous knowledge system, and farmers' production;
*the limited recognition given to the important role of rural women in agriculture development, along with the unequal opportunities provided.
Who are our members?
Membership of DHRRA Network Malaysia is drawn predominantly from the rural poor, the peasantry and indigenous people, i.e.mostly those who participated in the 24 village micro study. Members of DHRRA include;
- The 24 Village farmer leaders as its affiliate members.
- Expert organization such as: APSCARE (Asia Pacific Secretariat for Consumer Advocacy, Research and Education); ERA Consumer Malaysia;PAN-AP (Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific); SUSDEN (Sustainable Development Network Malaysia); SEA-CON (Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade); CUPC (Credit Union Promotion Clubs).
for more information, contact me: Ismail Abd.Aziz,Secretary General /Excutive Director of DHRRA Network Malaysia h/p:019-6111655 or email:ismaildhrra@yahoo.com Office :No.24 Jln SS1/22A,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia. Visit my blog: http://ismaildhrra.blogspot.com
DHRRA Network Malaysia evolved formerly known MasDHRRA that was in operation from 1974-1998, an organization that was successful in bringing together communities driven by the spirit of dialogue and cooperation among rural people. The trust of the DHRRA Network Malaysia is continue towards organizing a strong rural self-reliant community through poverty allevation and people's empowerment initiatives based on the same spirit of dialoge, cooperation and capacity building of human resources.
The DHRRA Network Malaysia, a registered organization in 2001 has been organizing various community-based health, hygiene and educational programmes in the rural areas. Thus since 1999, DHRRA Network Malaysia was reborn with new image to facilitate the process that allows the most vulnerable sectors to be informed about development taking places, determine their options and course of action, and respond collectively. The DHRRA Network Malaysia saw the need to link circles of farmers' group and rural communities through various initiatives at the village levels.
What our concern?
* the apathy of the government towards the promotion and implementation of genuine agrarian and aquatic reform agrarian;
* the limited abd sometimes lack of support from the government for local farmers especially in the areas of credit program and facilities, access to market and marketing support mechanisms, infrastructure such as pre and post harvest facilities and extension services to technology to promote sustainable agriculture;
* the effect of trade liberalization on rural community culture, indigenous knowledge system, and farmers' production;
*the limited recognition given to the important role of rural women in agriculture development, along with the unequal opportunities provided.
Who are our members?
Membership of DHRRA Network Malaysia is drawn predominantly from the rural poor, the peasantry and indigenous people, i.e.mostly those who participated in the 24 village micro study. Members of DHRRA include;
- The 24 Village farmer leaders as its affiliate members.
- Expert organization such as: APSCARE (Asia Pacific Secretariat for Consumer Advocacy, Research and Education); ERA Consumer Malaysia;PAN-AP (Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific); SUSDEN (Sustainable Development Network Malaysia); SEA-CON (Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade); CUPC (Credit Union Promotion Clubs).
for more information, contact me: Ismail Abd.Aziz,Secretary General /Excutive Director of DHRRA Network Malaysia h/p:019-6111655 or email:ismaildhrra@yahoo.com Office :No.24 Jln SS1/22A,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia. Visit my blog: http://ismaildhrra.blogspot.com
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