Attending Asian farmers Association GA-Cambodia.

Dr.Ladesma, Dr.Angelita and Evelyn.
I attend three months On Job Training at AsiaDHRRA Secretariat Office, Quezon City, Philippines. Its was started since last 1st Feb till 28 April 2006. During my training here, I have learned many things about communication skill which most of that skills I not take seriuos about it before and I not think that is important in my development work. After I learn that system, I really enjoy with that new communication skills and almost everyday I practice it in order for me to be more expert. The skills I have learne start from basic such as how to scan photo, how to download photo from digital camera, how to make power point presentation, how to burn CD, how to handle video camera, how to make blogger web, how to make photo album through flicker web and how to create e-bulletin web. With all this skill I have, I able to start communicate with all my friends and family and share with them about my activity and development work through atractive photo story and they are happy to see that news and they said very interesting news from me. Some of them I already start teach how to do it. A side of this learning process in office, I also have chance to know more about PhilDHRRA Networking and I have attend some of their activities. From the exposure I gain , it give me a awareness and taste about how NGO workers and peoples in Philippines really want for new change in government today. They are serious talk and action about mining issues, no to charter change, peoples power rally, agrarian reform. All this issues give impact on my learning process and feel that how serious PhilDHRRA doing their good job in advocacy work with their network partners and promoting the issues with media.I also have chance to join Asian farmers association General Asembly at Phnom Penhn, Cambodia on 9 -12 April,2006. This is my first time I get involved in their activiti. I able to know and develop relationship with Asian farmers and knowing their activity. I also have chance to share some view and experiences of Malaysia small farmers with them. By attending this meeting, I have gain knowledge about what AFA development plan and what their focus of work in future with Asian farmers including Malaysia.
In order for me to have more orientation about my personal development work. I have visited SEARSOLIN,Xavier University, cagayan de Oro City, where this is the Institution which I completed my diploma on Rural Social Leadership in 1986-87. Through this two weeks coming home to SEARSOLIN, I have chance also to attend Journalism Training. This training focusing on value and ethics in journalism. Coming home to SEARSOLIN really give me much feeling of spirit and reflection on my personal history of social development work, in other words, its give me new injection to work hard in social work for better development of DHRRA Malaysia and for the benefit of poor community in my country.
Finally, I have visited Dr.Tony Ladesma, Dr.Angelita and Evelyn at their house, at Manila. They are my mentor past 20 years in DHRRA development work. I not think that I can meet again after 20 years, but god rich and bless us to meet again. Its really bring us a spririt of family relationship in DHRRA. I have hold closely Dr.Ladesma and I have cry because its remind me our past 20 years story and remind me the Late of Mr.Anthonymuthu who are develop me in DHRRA work and because of him I get to know Dr.Ledesma and his wife Dr.Angelita. We have enjoy lunch at his house and share about past and new development of DHRRA family. We talk about how nice before our spirit of family and peoples to peoples dialouge and having closer relationship each other with different background culture and religous and develop the solidarity of DHRRA partners through out the Asian country.
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