On 27 March to April 2006, I attended a one week Training on Responsible & Independent Journalism,organised by SEARSOLIN in partnership with The Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC). The objectives of this training module are; to promote the understanding of the role of the media in civil society, and to enhance the investigative journalistic skills, including research and reporting sills of independent journalists as well as journalist and writers in government and NGOs so that they are better equipped to perform their professional activities, especially in reporting on corruption and development issues.
Twelve participants attended this training, they are officicers from Provincial, Town and City Government of Philippines and one is Police Senior Superintendent from Cagayan de Oro City.The main topics in this training are; Values and Ethics in Journalism, Gender Sensitivity Concepts & Practices in Journalism and also participants learn the basic IT, introduction to computers. The training was facilitated by a group of media experts from The Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC).
On the first day27 March, we participants have introduce our self and share about our work and experiences. Before lunch, while waiting for other participants coming for registration, we start sharing our views about general issues related to media work. The resource person Mr.Rene Michael Banos,Director COPC, Columnist, Gold Star Daily and Mr.Rufino Magbanua,Director COPC, Information Officer National Transmission Corp has introduce and Mr.Rufino continued to facilitate the session with the Brain Exercise. Mr.Herbie Gomez from COPC highlight about responsible and independents journalism and the module components.In the afternoon, participants has exposed to learning on basic IT and introduction to computers. Participants enjoy the exercise with computers in the library. Participants has given a asingment to complete the basic exercise in computer system.
On the second day28 March, Ms.Susan Palmes, Corporate Secretary,COPC Columnist, Sun Star conducted the session on Values and Ethics in Journalism. She start sharing about her work with TV program. She explain about the purpose of module. This module offers values clarification in relation to journalism. Its also presents the roles and functions of news media and assists participats in comprehending ethical standards for each of the clauses in the COPC Code of Ethics. Ms.Susan continued the session with the exercise, participants were asking to create a object and explain the message about the object. Participans has share about the process of making the objects. In this session, participants has long discussion, sharing views and arguement about the different and semilar within values and ethics. Participants has share about ethics and how its works and means. Susan has given to the participants a asingment to completed about what differentiate values and ethics.
On the third day29 March,Mr.Allan Mediante, former President,COPC,Editorial Consultants,Gold Star Daily facilitate the session. He start the session with asking participants what is ethics? how we apply ethics on media?. He explain the roles of news media. The media as watchdog, informer, opinion-maker and agenda-setter, self-conscious agent for social modernization and media as entertainer. In this session, participants still sharing and argue about their understanding what is ethics means. They have share some of the issues in Philippines politics, curruption and scandals. Mr.Allan give a question to the participants about methodology in investigative journalism. The question are; is any method valid to reveal wrongdoing? is deception legitimate when journalists aim to tell the truth? is any method justifiable no matter the woring conditions and the difficulties in getting information? can television reporters use hidden cameras to get story? can journalists use false identities to gain access to information?. Mr.Allan continued to facilitate the session by asking everyone about the answer of those question.Participants has share the views and come out a different opinion about the answer given.
On the fourth day:30th March:Session was cunducted by Mr.Bingo Alcordo, Board Director of COPC. He start sharing about his work with media broadcast. He said, broadcaster do advocacy work aggressivefly, many broadcaster say " if no peoples attack you today, means that you not do your work" he said. Mr.Bingo share about the situation in media broadcast today where there is personal attack by anchor man. There is something wrong with media broadcast today, he said. Mr.Bingo explain about the Code of Ethics COPC. After explaining about the code, he ask participants to share about the past two days session. I was given opportunity to share and recap the two days session. During this session, participants still sharing about the corruption issues. We share about how that code of ethics applicable to our work. Mr.Bingo briefly explain about; The Code Attribution;Rectification and the Right of Reply;Privacy;Discrimination; "We shall not engage in discrimination or stereotyping by placing undue emphasis minority groups, sexual orientation, race, colour;political conviction, cultural or ethnic origin or physical or mental disability unless the description is in the public interest." Participants has share and giving views about discrimination; Sensitivity " In situations of grief and shock, we shall act with special consideration and sensitivity for those people effected as well as for the public." At the end of this session, Mr.Bingo ask few question to the participants about their understanding and views related to code and ethics and how its effect to our environment work.
On the last day:1st March: Session was conducted by Mr.Micheal,Board Director of COPC. He start explaining about media organization and why is that important. Mr. Cedric, from Local Government Unit of Lugait, one of the participants has share about his organization and how its work. Mr.Michael continue the session with asking participants to give their opponion about the different function, purpose, goal and organization structure of the media organization. Participants has do the exercise in small group discussion. Partcipants has presented their report to the groups and some comments has made by participants related to those answer.
Our day ending with sharing on what we learn and share from this training. All the resource person from COPC has join our clossing ceremony. Ms.Susan, representing COPC Chairman give a short speech and delivered the certificate of attendence to all participants.
In the afternoon, we all participants and resource person congrutulate to our classmate, Dr.Rolando T.dela Vega,Police Senior Supp, because he graduated Phd on Management. We congrutulate him with cutting cake and sing together for him. He get supprise and happy. All participants have good relationship each other. While eating the cake every all us still busy talking each other. I spend my last value time with them talking about how and when we can meet again. Before I end this report, I would like to share this feeling with all my friends,participants of this Journalism Training, " Friends always come and go...but you are my friend who are in my heart and one of them who remind me how nice our friendship in calssroom of Searsolin. We share our views, learn new things, argue the issues, "ketawa" and enjoy food together in the silent cafeteria. Friends, we spend a week to learn and sharing together, we talk openly about gender issues, but we not quarrel, we put our serious concern and maintain our nice friendship till end of the day. This is our value of being asian peoples in carry common value, ethics and culture. I really appreciate your friendship with me, friends. God bless us to meet again. Please keep in touch in order to maintain our relationship as a big family in Searsolin. Friends, we pray for good things for friends, so, god know how and when for us to meet again. Finally friends, please forgive me, if I do or say wrong or effect you. I have a feeling, we will have chance to meet again, god willing.