Social Activist Report is a current news info about my social activities and aim to share with you the experiences. Hope by sharing this news we will develop and strengthen our networking towards serving the peoples especially rural and urban poor.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Concom Report On National Patrimony And Economic Reforms: A Forum on its Impication to Agrarian Reform

On 17 feb,2006, I attended a forum on Concom Report on National Patrimony And Economic Reforms:on its Implication to Agrarian Reform, held at Century Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon Citi,Philippines. This forum was organised by People's Campaign for Agrarian Reform Network and Kilusan para sa Pagsulong ng Repormang Agraryo. About 60 NGOs members, staffs and leaders representing 20 NGOs attended the forum. The forum started with opening remarks by Mr.Ernie Lim, National Coordinator People's Campaign for Agrarian Reform Network.Three panel speaker present their views on proposed constitutional revisions on national patrimony and economic reforms of the Philippines. They are Sen.Vicente T.Paterno, Mr.Atty Christian Monsod, Chairperson PARFUND and Dr.Sixto K.Roxas, Chairperson Maximo Kalaw Institute. This halfday forum was facilated by Mr.JB Garganera and Ms.Menchie Flores. The forum was end at 12.45 by closing remark by Ms.Lin Ramos-Mendez, Excutive Director, CARET.


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